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Selectmen Minutes 1-7-14
Town of Hanson - Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes – Hanson Town Hall
January 7, 2014

Members Present:        Stephen Amico, James Egan, Richard Flynn and Donald Howard
Members Absent: David Soper
Others Present: Town Administrator Ronald San Angelo and
Executive Assistant Meredith Marini

I~      7:30 p.m.   Chairman Egan called the meeting to order, led the pledge allegiance, read the announcements & upcoming meeting schedule

Committee vacancies  - Mr. San Angelo reported that the Conservation Commission is looking for an additional member and the Zoning Board of Appeals is seeking another member.

Treasurer/Collector Clerk’s position– Mr. San Angelo indicated the he and the Treasurer/Collector will be interviewing candidates for the position over the next few days.  

New School panel discussion – Mr. San Angelo informed the Board that a panel discussion regarding the new school will be held on Tuesday, January 14th at the Middle School at 7:00 p.m.  The panel will consist of several members who will provide information to the public.  Mr. San Angelo will be moderating the panel.
Annual Street Listings - Mr. San Angelo read the announcement from the Town Clerk regarding the annual street listing form which has recently been mailed to residents.  He encouraged residents to complete the form and return it to the Town Clerk’s office.  

Energy Committee – Mr. San Angelo indicated that he recently met with the committee.  The Committee members reported difficulty acquiring a quorum and requested that the committee be reduced to three members.  Mr. San Angelo recommended the Board vote to reconstitute the committee to a three member committee.

MOTION by Amico, second by Flynn to reduce the Energy Committee from a 5 member board  to a three member board.  VOTED 3 – 0 – 1 (Howard)

Land Grant Award – Harris Stone Property – Phil Clemons, Conservation Commission associate member, was present to notify the Board that the Town has a been awarded the Land Grant for the purchase of the Harris Stone Property. Mr. Clemons reminded the Board that the October Special Town Meeting approved the acquisition of the property subject to receiving the grant.  He noted that a great deal of work went into the grant application.  Mr. Clemons presented the check in the amount of $82,800.00 for the purchase of 112 acre of land along Poor Meadowbrook.  Mr. Clemons noted and thanked Scott MacFadgen of Wildlands Trust, the Conservation Commission and the Community Preservation Committee.  Funding from Community Preservation will also be used to purchase the property.

Open Special & Annual Town Meeting Warrants
MOTION by Amico, second by Howard to open the May 2014 Special and Annual Town Meeting warrants.  Voted 4 – 0

Kevin Cameron – Recreation – Discuss Camp Kiwanee functionrental rates
Mr. Cameron indicated that there were 54 weddings at Camp Kiwanee last year.  They are looking to set a tiered rate.  The Commission is looking to charge $4,000 for Friday and Sunday functions and $5,000 for Saturday rentals.  The new rates will go into effect immediately.  Mr. Amico asked for clarification of the fees.  Mr. Amico would like to see a breakdown for other types of functions.  Mr. Cameron explained that the current rates ranged from $2500 to $3,700 depending on the services requested.  The new rates will be all inclusive.  Mr. Amico feels that the increase is significant.  Mr. Cameron indicated that the changes are only for the wedding functions.  All the other rates approved by the Board in November 2012 will remain the same.  Mr. Amico cannot support such a large increase.  

MOTION by Flynn, second by Howard to approve the wedding package increases as submitted, Voted 3 – 1 (Amico)

Declare a Snow Emergency in accordance with MGL Ch. 44, Sec. 31D – Highway Surveyor Robert Brown notified the Board that the snow account has been expended and requested the Board declare a Snow Emergency.  
MOTION by Amico, second by Howard to declare a snow emergency in accordance with Chapter 44, Sec. 31D as requested by Highway Surveyor Robert Brown Voted 4 - 0

Vote Surplus Equipment
        Water Department –      1999 Ford F-350  VIN#1FDSF35F5XEE72757
                                        2003 Ford F-250 VIN#1FTNX21L33ED58206
        Police Dept.            2007 Ford Crown Vic #2FAFP71W17X100271
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        2007 Ford Crown Vic #2FAFP71W17X100272
        Town Hall               2005 Ford Crown Vic. #2FAFP71W35X176928

MOTION by Amico, second by Howard to declare the above vehicles as surplus.  Voted 4 – 0

Mr. San Angelo informed the Board that the Animal Control Officer’s vehicle will not pass inspection and needs to be replaced.  The Water Department is willing to sell their surplus vehicle to the Town for $5,000.  He will be seeking funding through the Reserve Fund.  Mr. San Angelo indicated that the Town Hall Crown Victorias need to be replaced.  He is looking to purchase a new basic vehicle for Town Hall.   

Joint Meeting with Board of Health

 Discuss Transfer Station and Pay As You Throw – Board of Health Members Gilbert Amado and Richard Edgehille were present with Health Agent Donna Tramontana and Administrative Assistant Theresa Cocio.  Mr. San Angelo presented a power point presentation of the draft of the Transfer Station Project Management Plan dated January 7, 2014.  Version 1.2.

The Plan was created to address the increase in Tipping Fees which will increase at the expiration of the current contract on January 1, 2015.  It is anticipated that the current tipping fees of $34.50 per ton will increase to almost $60.00 per ton.  The Plan outlined the project description which includes disposal and hauling of solid waste, contracts for solid waste disposal and recyclable removal and revenue, remediation of the Transfer Station.  The plan listed all staff responsible for implementation of the plan which included Board of Health Members, Health Agent, staff, Transfer Station supervisor, Town Administrator, Selectmen Donald Howard, Town Planner and Town Engineer. The plan included recommended solutions with pro’s and con’s to each.  Solutions included establishing a Pay As You Throw system, a straight increase to taxes to pay for the increased tipping fees and Pay As You Throw along with instituting a sticker fee for the Transfer Station.  

There was discussion regarding curbside pickup which was initially thought to be cost prohibitive, but will be investigated further.  The plan provided a Communication component which outlined the means of disseminating the information to the residents, employees and officials.  Methods of communication included forums, news media, direct mail, e-mail and website notifications.  

The plan included a cost of the operations for Fiscal Year 2013  at the current tipping rate of $34.50 per ton.  The total cost was $222,823.98.  

Mr. San Angelo recommended increase in hours of operation at the Transfer Station so that the facility will be open on Sunday.  

There was lengthy discussion regarding Pay As You Throw and the cost of the bags which is anticipated at $2.00 per bag.  

Mr. San Angelo indicated that the plan is a work in progress, but would like to both the Board of Selectmen and Board of Health make a decision as to Pay As You Throw so that he can implement the appropriate plan and finalize the budget.  He requested the Boards vote the matter in February.

Discuss Location for Hazardous Waste Day on April 5, 2014 – The Board of Health has requested permission to conduct a Hazardous Waste Day at the Plymouth County Hospital property on Saturday, April 5th.  Mr. Amado indicated that conducting the event at the Transfer Station on a Sunday, would confuse residents who may think the Transfer Station was open for normal operations.  Mr. Edgehille indicated that the Health Board members and the Health Agent were present during the last Hazardous Waste Day and will be present for this year’s event.

MOTION by Amico, second by Flynn to use the Plymouth County Hospital site for the Hazardous Waste day on Saturday, April 5, 2014.  Voted 4 – 0

        November 19, 2013 - Tabled
        December 3, 2013
        December 17, 2013

MOTION by Amico, second by Howard to approve the minutes of December 3 and 17th
Voted 3 – 0 – 1 Flynn

Chief Miksch –Departmental update –
Request to Join Old Colony Police Anticrime Task Force  - OCPAC – Chief Miksch requested the Board’s permission to join the task force and explained that 16 area towns work together on crime and drug cases.   He indicated that each police departments’ jurisdiction ends at the town lines.  Joining the Task Force will put the town in a permanent state of mutual aid.  It will also assist the department with issues at the High School. Chief Miksch noted that Halifax and East Bridgewater not part OCPAC.

MOTION by Amico, second by Howard to authorize the Chief to join into OCPAC for permanent mutual aid for discussion.  

Mr. Egan asked about sharing information.  Chief Miksch indicated that the OCPAC is more about jurisdiction and not about sharing information.  All the departments can share information without a mutual aid agreement.  There are very strict procedures in the Memo of Understanding.  

Mr. San Angelo indicated that Connecticut had a statewide task force.  There is currently a mutual aid agreement for contiguous communities.  OCPAC shares resources from IT and vehicles to personnel.  Most of the issues they deal with are drugs.  The permanent state of mutual aid is the most important component of the task force.  

So Voted 4 – 0

Chief Miksch gave the Board an update at the Police Department.  He thanked everyone for being so helpful.  He feels there is a team atmosphere within the Town.  The officers have been very good, welcoming and helpful.  He pointed out that contrary for some impressions, the department is not a broken department.  Most of the officers know what they are doing and are professional.  They are learning what is expected of them.  It has been a good transition.  Chief Miksch has reinstated  the School Resource Officer.  Officer Bill Frazer has been appointed to the position.  Officer Nawazelski has mentioned that he plans to retire next year.  The Chief has been managing with the manpower.  

Chief brought the K-9s into the school in the Fall.  There were a few hits but no drugs were seized.  He will continue the program as it gives the School an opportunity to practice their lock down procedures.  

SEMLEC – South Eastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement is comprised of 23 towns from three difference counties.  It has different teams, Search and Rescue, SWAT and Dive team. They search for not only people, but evidence.  He pays $1,000 per year.  It is a great program which provides many resources.

He will be connecting to a server which links information between the Towns.  SWITCH through IMC.  The State is trying to get all the switches connected.  

Chief Miksch indicated that he has corrected several equipment issues.  He thanked Chief Thompson for his assistance in building first aid bags in each of the cruisers. The Chief has acquired gun racks for the cruisers.  The Department has received tasers and training will be provided.  There is a reporting requirement for the tasers.  

Chief Miksch reported that the department has a few issues with funding.  The heating ventilation has been an on-going issue at the station.  They had no hot water. Several of the AC units don’t work.  He feels they have a handle on it but the cost has been between $10,000 - $12,000 in repairs.  The Chief met with the Finance Committee to explain the shortfall.

Chief Miksch reported that Dispatcher Ryan Bailey resigned in November, leaving an open position.  The Emergency Communication Center Committee interviewed candidates and hired one full time and two part dispatchers.  Training of the new personnel will be required and will take a few months.  The Chief is looking to supplement the salary line with grants and E911 funds.

Incidents – Chief Miksch reported that on October 11, 2013 Officers Bearce, Godwin and McCarthy responded to a fire on Monroe Street.  Officer Bearce entered the home to rescue the dog.   

Chief Miksch reported that the Home invasion which occurred in October 2013 was an isolated incident.  Det. O’Brien led the investigation and got a confession from the two suspects.  He used BCI to review the evidence and assisted in the arrest.  Chief Miksch acknowledged Det. O’Brien for a job well done.

Mr. Amico thanked Chief Miksch for getting the resource officer back in the school.   Chairman Egan felt it was important to have a uniformed officer in the school.   Chairman Egan asked if the officers should be recognized by the Board.  Chief Miksch felt that the officers were doing their jobs, but future recognition would be in order.  Mr. Flynn appreciated the Chief implementing a maintenance plan.

IV      OLD  BUSINESS  - None Heard

        Hanson Elementary Building Committee – Mr. San Angelo indicated that the committee discussed the financial impact on taxpayers.  They are still putting together a presentation which will be easy to understand.  Additional information will be on the website.  The Group is working on the presentation for Town Meeting. The committee is trying to develop a presentation which will be concise.   The website addresses some misconception about the project.  Mr. Amico pointed out that some of the maintenance issues are the responsibility of the Town because the funding was not appropriated to do the repairs.  Mr. Amico feels the forum will be very informative and helpful to the residents.  He encouraged all residents to attend.  Chairman Egan also encouraged residents to attend the forum.  The panel will be comprised of individuals very knowledgeable in specific areas of the project.

        Monponsett Pond – Mr. Howard reported the last meeting was cancelled.

VII     EXECUTIVE SESSIONChairman Egan announced that the Board would be going into executive session to discuss the deployment of or strategy regarding security personnel or devices – Police department~and further to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declare – Police Union. 

MOTION by Amico, second by Flynn to go into Executive Session.  Roll Call, Flynn aye; Howard aye; Amico aye; and Egan aye.  Voted 4 – 0         

9:54 p.m.  Brief Recess

10:18 p.m. Returned to open session


MOTION  by  Howard, second by Flynn to adjourn  Voted 4 – 0

10:18 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                        Meredith Marini,
                                        Executive Assistant
Approved and Voted 4 – 0 – 1  (Soper)
                                                February 4, 2014